
Discover yourself through the dimensions of the gross physical/material, transcending to subtler and higher states of being; of living life to its true potential. 

our programs

The Yoga lifestyle >>

Yoga is raising oneself – body, mind, and intellect – to harmoniously align with the highest purpose of one’s life….

Heal yourself through REIKI >>

Illness or dis-ease is simply a message from our bodies that we are not attuned to the creative energy of the universe.

Samprajanya >>

Mindfulness techniques to expand your consciousness, maintain good health, and discover your potential

Heal with Food >>

Beginner’s program to ease into a healthy lifestyle – an introduction to the Ayurvedic concept of food

Healthy and Happy Aging with samprajanya

Why Join Us?

Life style management

Ayurveda and Yoga are not mere healing systems but they are ways of life, which, will help one to maintain and enjoy good health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


Health to harmony

Disease originates in the mind. The appearance of symptoms of disease in the physical body is the last step in the pathogenesis of the disease. The objective is to empower each individual to perfect their body and become one harmonious entity with the Supreme, Cosmic Consciousness


total integerated awareness

When an individual, through yoga or other practices, integrates his body, mind, intellect, and spirit, into a totality of being, maintaining constant integrated awareness through the three states of consciousness – wakeful, dream, and deep sleep – he aligns himself harmoniously with the highest purpose of his life and existence and ultimately with the universal principle of nature.


Happy Clients

5/5 I was rather sceptical when I first heard about Reiki and Pranic Healing. This was until I suddenly developed an idiopathic, excruciating, sharp pain in my left hand. It was a weekend evening and I was staying in a village. The doctors at the nearby medical facility had left and I did not have the energy to travel to another hospital. That was when, with nothing to lose, I agreed to an energy healing session. In just about five minutes of treatment, the pain vanished! It seemed nothing short of a miracle! Thank you, Sudha Ramaprasad, for introducing me to this wonderful energy healing. Be blessed!
Reiki has helped me connect with my beloved God’s Light, Love, and Grace at all times whenever I have requested, be it for something small or big, be it to do with the present, the past, or the future, be it about spiritual matters or mundane matters. My eternal thanks to Sai whom I consider as the source of all Reiki and the master within each of my respected Reiki masters; and my thanks to my Reiki Gurus Sudha Ramaprasad and Ramaprasad, and to the first-degree Reiki Gurus, and to the great wise Reiki symbol embodiments.
Many thanks to Sudha and Ramprasad for initiating me into Reiki 2nd degree and Advanced symbols. To date when I request Reiki light for myself or others, I remember them and know gratefully that I have been blessed.
Subha Kannan
I tend to worry a lot and be anxious about health issues, and also take on a lot of stress, so much so that it became a vicious cycle when the stress began to tell on my health with insomnia and hypertension. Thanks to Cyclic Meditation, an integrated, dynamic yoga practice, my stress levels have come down greatly and I sleep well, touch wood, and thank God. And thank you Sudha Ramaprasad for teaching me this wonderful meditation.
KSR Prasad


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