Healing with food

Heal with food – An Ayurveda perspective

“Ayu”, as in Ayurveda meaning life, refers to a life where there is a complete integration of body, mind, intellect, and the spirit

The primary objective of Ayurveda is to guide every healthy individual to preserve health and alleviate disease in those with diseases. Ayurveda follows the Samkhya Darshana and regards the fundamental elements constituting the human body to have been created from Cosmic Consciousness. The objective of Ayurveda, therefore, is to empower each individual to perfect their body and become one harmonious entity with the Supreme, Cosmic Consciousness.

There are three humors called the tridoshas – Vāta (Air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Water) – that constitute the psychosomatic structure of a living entity and control their functions.

An understanding of the five elements of nature (Space or ether, air, fire, water, and earth) is essential to understanding the biological phenomena of the tridoshas. The properties of the five elements, the tridoshas, and the qualities of the mind are interconnected, and interrelated. According to Ayurveda, diseases arise and are identified by studying the effects of the imbalance in the functioning of the doshas.

The seven basic types of tissues (known as dhatu in Ayurveda) which are the building blocks of the human body, support the structure and functioning of the body and are essential for growth and its very existence. The immunity of the living being is dependent on their balance. These tissues are also made up of the five elements, and therefore, any imbalance and loss of equilibrium in the tissues can potentially, lead to disease.

These dhatus are made available to the body from the food he eats. Each dhatu is the result of further refining of the previous dhatu. The ultimate or the most refined dhatu is a Mahādhātu also known as Ojas, the vital energy, responsible for immunity. Ayurveda, therefore, emphasizes the importance of food and diet in a person’s daily schedule. Food is well classified, in Ayurveda, according to its properties.


Introduction to Ayurvedic concept of food and diet – a one-day interactive session comprising theory, and a master class in ayurvedic cooking


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