Just for Today…

In part, this series is inspired by the five principles of Reiki given to us by Dr. Mikao Usui, founder of the Usui Shiki Ryoho School of Reiki. I am indeed grateful to him and I thank Dr. Usui, the Masters in that lineage, and my Reiki Masters for handing them down to me with wonderful and inspiring expression. I am ever grateful to the Reiki angel guides for their support. Reiki energy and symbols have become so much a part of me now, I am grateful to them for being there for me at all times.

Just for today…

The very first word implies that it is very simple and so it is. Today, the present, now, one day only. You are telling yourself that it is only for one day and that you can surely summon up sufficient willpower and inner discipline to resolve for just one day. Surely that cannot be difficult – this is likely to be the inner dialogue when you hear this phrase, “Just for today”.

Just for today, I stay calm

There could be many reasons for stress, anxiety, and worry; good because they help get things done. The problem is only when they get chronic. Externally some of us probably appear like ducks in a pond – serene and peaceful but paddling furiously within the surface. Others have no reservations about showing the entire world that they are stressed. Pots and pans go flying, pillows get ripped, vases get shattered and many hearts and egos get hurt in the rampage. Expressed or repressed, the negative consequences of anger affecting physical health, mental health, cognitive functions, and behaviour are so many that anger issues need to be sorted out without delay.

There are many effective non-pharmacological treatments and therapies prescribed by medical professionals, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Group Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, specific modules of Integrated Yoga Therapy, etc. Research outcomes confirm the efficacy of these therapies. However, much depends on the commitment and discipline of the individual and the support that they get from their family.

Being mindful, resolving to stay calm, and taking suitable action go a long way in mitigating the problem. Here are a few pointers to identify the presence of this emotion in your body and a few hacks to clear it.

Observe your shoulders: are they raised?

Are your arms tensed, your fingers clenched? Is your abdomen tight?

Is your breath going like the piston of an engine at maximum speed?

Are you blaming everyone and the whole world other than you?

Do you feel like hitting out at anyone and anything?

Are you feeling that you have been singled out and drowned in adversities?

Today, just for today, let us try a few hacks to remain calm amidst a storm – internal or external.

  1. Observe your shoulders, your arms, and your abdomen
  2. Shrug your shoulders and bring them down
  3. Relax your arms and fingers
  4. Watch the movements of your abdomen – up and down, up and down – 5 rounds, relax them
  5. Observe your breath: It’s probably going like an engine’s piston at maximum speed.
  6. Slow down your breath
    • Synchronize your breathing with the movement of the abdomen – inhale slowly, deeply – without strain; exhale slowly and fully, without strain – 5 rounds
    • Take in two breaths through your nostrils and exhale completely through your mouth – 5 rounds
  7. Affirmation:
    • As you breathe in tell yourself that you are breathing in fresh, cool, clean air
    • As you exhale, you are throwing out all the accumulated toxins and pollution – 5 rounds
    • As you breathe in, tell yourself that you are strong and calm
    • As you breathe out, tell yourself that you are relaxed
  8. Think of one blessing in your life and offer gratitude

Have you observed human anger translating to fear and anger in their pet animals?

These are all energy dynamics well explained through Reiki. Studies reveal that emotional and psychological issues can be effectively treated with Reiki therapy.


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