About Us

Samprajanya- Centre for Healing, Health, and Harmony

SAmprajanya Centre

Discover yourself through the dimensions of the gross physical/material, transcending to subtler and higher states of being; of living life to its true potential. 

Nikola Tesla said that to understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. And Albert Einstein’s quote, “What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses; there is no matter”, is quite well-known.
This then is the rationale for starting the Samprajanya Centre. “If we are just energy, then why do we fall ill, why are we sick, why the diseases..?.. that the same energy could and should possibly heal us.? This, of course, is the principle that backs energy healing therapies, yoga, and biofield therapies.
As flesh and blood human beings, food is essential to our lives and living. Following the right practices in eating, recreation, conduct, and thinking– in short, following a correct, and balanced lifestyle – plays a significant role in healthy aging. These are the ayurvedic, and yogic principles for healthy living – āhāra, vihāra, āchāra, and vichāra

Our Vision

Living life to its full potential with total awareness and integration of body, mind and spirit/being

Our Mission

Facilitating lifestyle management, by understanding and applying traditional and ancient wisdom, to live in the present space and time with total integrated awareness and acceptance. Journeying from health to harmony.


All those interested in life and living – the seekers of health, wealth or spiritual knowledge – realize inherent potential


Samprajanya is Sanskrit for Total Integrated Awareness. The objective is to discover oneself through the dimensions of the gross physical / material, transcending to subtler and higher states of being; of living life to its true potential…. Know More


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