Granthi – the Cryptic Psychic Knots

“Granthi” is a term from the ancient Indian spiritual tradition, particularly in the context of spirituality, yoga, and meditation. It refers to psychic knots or blockages in the energy channels of the body, which can hinder the flow of spiritual energy. These knots are believed to be located along the spine and are associated with specific energy centres, known as chakras.

Understanding the Granthi

In layman’s understanding, these are the knots or repositories holding the gamut of our conditioning – fears, tendencies, desires, etc. These may be the consequent products of our environment or carried forward from earlier births. Whatever the origin, these evoke, prompt, and condition the complexity of our desires, preferences, and attachments, ultimately creating our distinct identities – individual egos. The ignorance of our connectedness to the whole of creation, focusing on the external world, and believing all that we perceive through our senses to be real, is said to be avidya. The desire to maintain this individuality through various means in this illusory world with the mistaken idea that the intellect, mind, and senses are real and permanent, and the actions undertaken to fulfil these desires, are all obstacles in the path of Self-realization (to oversimplify – the realization that the innermost Self is connected to the Cosmic Self). These three – avidya, kama, and karma (ignorance, desire, and action), which are both internal and external, are not merely obstacles but they also bind and limit the individual and responsible for birth, janma, and consequently death.


There are typically three main Granthi described in great detail in various texts like the Lalita Sahasranamam and Soundarlahari. The lowermost, the Brahma Granthi is associated with the first three chakras, located between the base of the spine (Muladhara), and the lower abdomen (Svadhisthana). It is related to the instinctual and survival aspects of human existence. The Vishnu Granthi is linked to the heart chakra (Anahata) and the throat chakra (Vishuddha). It deals with emotional and interpersonal issues and the transition from self-centeredness to a more inclusive and compassionate way of being. The Rudra Granthi is associated with the third eye chakra (Ajna) and the crown chakra (Sahasrara). It pertains to higher spiritual awareness, intuition, and the connection to the universal consciousness.

Releasing the Granthi

The concept of granthi is closely related to the idea of spiritual evolution and the removal of obstacles to reach higher states of consciousness. Practices like yoga, meditation, pranayama (breath control), mudras (seals), bandhas (locks), and mantras are often used to address and release these knots, in a safe and controlled manner. However, the importance of yama and niyama must never be downplayed and they must be incorporated into the lifestyle and diet that the aspirant must necessarily adopt.

It’s worth noting that interpretations of granthis and their significance may vary across different spiritual traditions and schools of thought. They are deeply embedded in the philosophy and practices of yoga, particularly in Kundalini Yoga, where the awakening and ascension of Kundalini energy is believed to help untie these knots, allowing for greater spiritual realization and enlightenment.


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